It will run all day as a draft machine and 3-8 hours with PTO implement.
Bed preparation, compost spreading, seeding, transplanting, weeding, harvesting and mowing.
It is controlled by wireless remote control or autonomous programming using PPM signals.
Low noise, zero-emission, low maintenance.
The e2T is designed to work over common 30" wide beds using regenerative practices that do not require as much power because energy intensive deep and shallow tillage is minimized.
Minimal soil disturbance keeps microbial communities intact and encourages natural processes that build organic matter. Over time, farms using e2T and regenerative techniques can see their soil organic matter exceed 10%, compared to less than 1% in heavily tilled, conventionally managed fields.
Yes. The e2T is designed to tackle a wide range of tasks such as cultivation, seeding, and light transport. While it may not replace every function of a large diesel tractor, it’s incredibly versatile for small to medium-scale operations or as a complementary machine on larger farms.
Regenerative agriculture focuses on building healthy, living soil through practices like minimal tillage, cover cropping, and diverse crop rotations. In contrast, conventional farming often relies on heavy tillage, chemicals, and diesel-powered equipment, leading to soil compaction, erosion, and lower organic matter levels.
The e2T disturbs soil minimally and causes less compaction—only in the wheel tracks—so the soil remains porous and biologically active. Healthy soil with higher organic matter acts like a sponge, retaining water and nutrients while sequestering carbon from the atmosphere.
Heavy diesel tractors and repeated tillage can compact the soil, reducing aeration and water infiltration. Compacted soil becomes less hospitable to beneficial microbes and plant roots. Over time, it can become “dead dirt,” leading to lower yields and increased reliance on chemical inputs.